Everything you need to file your crypto taxes, ready in seconds.
We've launched the MetaMask Tax Hub powered by Crypto Tax Calculator (CTC) to make the process of filing tax reports easy, fast, and secure. Now available to MetaMask users globally.
Never knew you had to report your crypto with your taxes? You're not alone. In the US, 63% of people mistakenly believe that crypto gains and losses are not subject to tax, or are unsure.*
Doing crypto tax reports yourself could take many hours: for some, it could be 20 hours or more. Oof. With the MetaMask Tax Hub, you can generate a crypto tax report in just one click, and in just a few seconds. Way better. Learn more here.
Visit the MetaMask Tax Hub for more info, including a 30% discount on annual CTC subscriptions we're offering to our MetaMask frens.
Crypto taxes done in one click. So you can take back your sanity... and your Saturday.
*Source: Crypto Tax Calculator Report 2025
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