Passive Income

Jumat, 19 Juli 2024

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Cara Beli Tiket Masuk Pameran GIIAS 2024

   Afifah R. Nurdifa

Pameran otomotif terbesar di Asia Tenggara, Gaikindo Indonesia International Auto Show (GIIAS) 2024 resmi dibuka dan akan berlangsung pada 18-28 Juli 2024 di ICE BSD, Tangerang.

Untuk dapat berkunjung, masyarakat perlu membeli tiket yang dilakukan secara online maupun onsite. Ajang tahun ini dapat dikunjungi mulaipukul 10.00 WIB (weekend) dan pukul 11.00 WIB (weekdays) hingga pukul 21.00 WIB.

Cara beli tiket GIIAS 2024 online bisa dilakukan dengan mengunduh aplikasi Auto360 melalui PlayStore dan AppStore, atau melalui situs Sementara itu, pembelian tiket onsite juga tersedia di lokasi penyelenggaraan selama pameran berlangsung.

GIIAS 2024 menghadirkan lebih dari 55 merek kendaraan, di mana 30 merek di antaranya merupakan merek kendaraan penumpang, 5 merek kendaraan komersial, dan 20 merek sepeda motor. Continue reading

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Penyaluran Kredit UMKM dalam 1 Tahun Terakhir Tetap Tumbuh

Menurut laporan Bank Indonesia (BI), penyaluran kredit perbankan kepada usaha mikro, kecil, dan menengah (UMKM) sebesar Rp1.472,6 triliun pada Mei 2024. Angka tersebut naik 0,49% dibandingkan dengan bulan sebelumnya (month-to-month/MtM) yang sebesar Rp1.465,4 triliun.

Jika dibandingkan dengan periode yang sama pada tahun sebelumnya (year-on-year/YoY), kredit UMKM pada Mei 2024 tumbuh 6,85%.Pada Mei 2023, kredit UMKM tercatat sebesar Rp1.378,24 triliun.

Berdasarkan skalanya, porsi penyaluran kredit UMKM paling besar ke usaha mikro, yakni Rp670,52 triliun. Jumlah itu setara dengan 45,53% dari total kredit yang disalurkan kepada UMKM. Baca selengkapnya



Nilai Indeks Perilaku Anti Korupsi (IPAK) berada pada angka 3,85 atau turun 0,07 poin pada tahun ini dibandingkan dengan nilai IPAK pada 2023 di angka 3,92. 

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Progress to Open Network The Pi2Day Progress to Open Network Challenge started June 28th, 2024 and concluded on July 11. Congratulations to all participants who took part in it. This challenge focused on the necessary Pioneer actions to reach our Open Network goals, including KYC and the Mainnet Checklist, as well as allowing Pioneers to engage with brand new features, like the Social Profiles and on-chain lockups. By actively engaging with Pi Apps, platform, and community programs through this five-action activity, Pioneers have demonstrated their dedication and showcased the collective spirit of the Pi community in making progress towards the Open Network goals. Below is an update on how this challenge went. The Challenge Overview The level of participation during the Progress to Open Network Challenge was impressive, and we’re thrilled that so many Pioneers enjoyed the experience as much as we did. Nearly 4.5 million Pioneers from around the world participated in the challenge and contributed to its success. In total, over 1.4 million Pioneers successfully finished all steps of the challenge and received both the selected emoji next to their username in Pi Chats and the unique, customized image that Pioneers can show off on social media. Pi2Day Challenge Results Pi2Day was also the debut of Pi Social Profiles, the new profile feature that, among being a future platform-level feature for other apps, allows Pioneers to build their own interactive experience within the network. Over 2.6 million Pioneers set up their new profile as part of the Pi2Day Challenge, and this number continues to grow. Nearly 100,000 submissions were also posted in the #PiMusic festival on Fireside Forum, showcasing the creative, passionate spirit of the Pi community. Look out for a showcase of top submissions in both #PiMusic and #Photography soon! Conclusion: The Start Of Something Great Overall, the Pi2Day Progress to Open Network Challenge was designed to be a fun addition to the Pi2Day announcements, and we hope you enjoyed the steps and prizes! The results of the Pi2Day events are a reflection of the continual engagement and excitement we see every day in the Pi Network community as we work towards Open Network.. We look forward to organizing more such events in the future to bring our community closer and create a more vibrant and dynamic ecosystem, which is also important for a healthy network once it’s open. Thank you all again for making this Pi2Day 2024 Challenge a remarkable one! We look forward to many more such exciting events in the future. Pi Network aims to transition to Open Network in 2024, contingent upon meeting specific conditions and strategic objectives detailed in the announcement here. This transition hinges on the collective efforts from our community and the impact of external factors. For a full understanding of the requirements that influence our advancement towards the Open Network milestone, please refer to the full announcement. Conditions for having Open Network in 2024

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